[A Monthly Peer Reviewed International Journal of Life Sciences]
[Published By: Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, INDIA]
E-ISSN 2277-1808
Volume 12 (10) Sept - 2023
Table of Contents
Clinical-immunological characteristics of family bronchial asthma in
Uzbek population.
Oqboyev T.A., Safarova M.P.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Perfusion Computed Tomography in The
Diagnosis of Ischemic Brain Damage
Djuraeva N.M., Amirkhamzaev A.T.
3. Improvement
of The Method for Plasty of Post-Burn Scar Deformity of The Face and
Neck with a Replaced or Rotational Neck Flap
Madazimov Madamin Muminovich, Rasulov Jamshid Djurabaevich,
Nizamkhodjaev Shamsiddin Zainiddinovich, Ruzmetov Navruzbek Alisherovich
Small Intestine and Its Anatomical Changes after Experimental Pulmonary
Barnoev Akhtam Istamovich, Khasanova Dilnoza Akhrorovna
5. Reporting
The Clinical Outcome of Marma Chikitsa in Management of Kashtartava
(Primary Dysmenorrhea): A Case Series
Varsha, Lumi Bhagat, Asokan V
6. Evaluation of oxidative stress markers in the liver of freshwater fish Heteropneustes fossilis exposed to an azo dye, Eriochrome Black T
7. Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex K.Schum. Leaf Extract as a Promising Antiulcer Agent: An Experimental Study
P. Hari Krishna, E. Sujatha, S. Karunakar
8. Study
of antimicrobial activity of Sonochemically synthesized CdS
Vijay K. Suryawanshi, S. R. Patil, Pramod
N. Patil , Vrushali Wagh, Shanthipriya Ajmera, Hemant P. Suryawanshi5,
Shashikant P. Pawar
9. Studies
on evaluation of per se performance and combining ability in bhendi (Abelmoschus
Eesculentus (L.) Moench.) through Line x tester analysis
P. Siva Ranjani, K. R. Saravanan, P.
Karthikeyan and T. Sivakumar
10. Achieving
Economic-Effectiveness of Nonpharmacological Interventions In Cognitive
Disturbance in Vascular Parkinsonism
Aida Eshmurzaeva, Temur Malik Murotov,
Shoh-Jakhon Khamdamov
11. Diagnostic
Value of Echocardiography Parameters for Assessing Intravascular Status
in Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Mamatkulov B. B, Mamatkulov I. B,
Khaidarov M. B, Beknazarov A. B., and Talipov M.G
12. Features
of The Immune Status in Children with Bronchopulmonary Pathologies of
The Khorezm Region
Kuryazova Sh.M., Xudaynazarova S.R..
Dergunova G.E. and Toshmetova B.R.
13. Immunological
Disorders in Headaches in Children
Madjidova Yakutkhon Nabievna, Azimova
Nodira Mirvasitovna, Khusainova Nodira Turgunovna, Nazarova Janna
Abzalovna and
Mamarasulov Solijon Kayumovich
14. Clinical
and Immunological Parallels of Non-Ischemic Damage to The Nervous System
in Pregnant Women with Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Rakhmatullaeva G.K., Kadirova A.Sh.
15. Oxidative Stress and Anaerobic Glycolysis Status in Gastric Mucosa during Treatment of Experimental Ulcer with SecondLine Three-
Component Regimens
A.V. Yakubov, N.I. Pulatova, Zufarov
P.S., Musayeva L.J., Sh.A. Saidova., Pulatova D.B.
16. Corrective
Osteotomy of The Metatarsal Bone in The Treatment of Patients with
Freiberg's Disease
Ibotov B.I., Ravshanov Sh.N., Tolochko
17. Central Hemodynamics, Myocardial Mass of The Left Ventricle of The Heart and Diastolic Function of The Ventricles of The Heart in Patients
with Arterial Hypertension after a
Six-Month FollowUp
Saidaliev Rustam Saidalievich
18. Immune-Inflammatory
Reactions of The Cardiovascular System: Antigenic Determinants in
Patients After Covid-19
Khidoyatova Mukhlisa Rakhmatillaevna,
Nabieva Dildora Abdumalikovna, Mukhammadiyeva Sevara Murodullaevna
19. Cultivation,
Storage and Processing of Watermelon and Melon Crops Based on
Resource-Saving Technologies
Zokirov Kurbonalijon Gaybullo ogli , Sullieva Suluv Khurramovna
20. The
Relationship between Birth Order, Anxiety, and Locus of Control on Young
Lakshmi Arun and Jabin Ahmed
Image Compression Algorithm for High-Precision Digital Images
Jee Yuan, Afzan Adam, Mohammad Kamrul Hasan, AKM Ahasan Habib, Zaid Abdi
Alkareem Alyasseri, Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi, Elaine Wan Ling Chan
22. From
Mindful Observation to Pro-Environmental Behaviour: The Mediating Role
of Connectedness Facet of Awe Emotion
V. Swedhaa Shanmathi, M. Vinothkumar
23. Estimation
of Chronological Age in Pune Population using the London Atlas Software
App2nd Edition, 2021
Chawla, Rakshita Sinha, Swapna Patankar, Vaishali Koranne, AmodPatankar,
Sudhir Pawar , Heba Masood
24. Study
of antimicrobial activity of sonochemically synthesized CdS
Vijay K. Suryawanshi , S. R. Patil,
Pramod N. Patil, Vrushali Wagh, Shanthipriya Ajmera, Hemant P.
Suryawanshi5, Shashikant P. Pawar
25. Specific
Characteristics of Illness of Primary Class Pupils
Nizom Jumakulovich Ermatov, Guli
Islamovna Shaykhova, Rokhatjon Yuldashovna Duschanova, Dilshod
Shavkatovich Alimukhamedov, Rano Kudratullayevna
Dadabayeva, Rustamova Mamlakat Tulebaevna, Solieva Muslima Nizom kizi, Mukhammadrizo Dilshojon ugli Bakhodirov
26. Hydrochemical
Investigation of Water Bodies from The Effluents of Sirgitti Industrial
Area of Bilaspur (C.G.)
Amit Kumar Chaturwedi, Milan Hait
27. Rubia
Cordifolia Augments Pain Perception Threshold in Paclitaxel-Induced
Neuropathic Pain in Experimental Animal Models
Rupali A. Patil, Chaitali M. Diwane
28. Synthesis,
Characterization and Evaluation of Biological activity of 5, 5 -
diphenyl imidazolidine - 2, 4 - dione
Sachin Sheshrao Fawade, Surendra N.
29. Evaluation
of insecticidal effects of Citrus limon and Cannabis sativa on Aedes
aegypti adult
Ananya Bar1, J. Andrew, Puneeta Pandey,
Manoj Singh and Harison Masih
30. Synthesis,
Characterization of rGO/CoZrO3 and rGO/Nd2Zr2O7 nanocomposite for the
application of Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Activity
Mathivanan Nallathambi, Krishnasamy Kuppusamy
31. The
Effect of Hydnocarpus Laurifolia Seeds Extract on Blood Glucose in
Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Hemant Vinayak Deore, Harshalkumar Vianayak Deore, Pallavi Pandit Pawar,
Shoeb Qazi, Makrani Shaharukh, Syed Umar Farooq,
Ansari Mohd. Razi, Ansari Yaasir
32. Effectiveness
of combination of back massage and affirmation relaxation on adequacy of
breastfeeding among neonates of caesarean section mothers
Tity Jose and N Hephzibah Kirubamani
33. Aerobic
Biosensor-A Novel Approach of Microbial Fuel Cell with A Halotolerant
Priestia Megaterium-BorS17B13
Priyanka S. Sawant and Jignasha T. Thumar
Biopotentiality of Cow Urine Extract of Trikatu Churna: Finding of
Effectual Remedy from Ancient Therapeutic Aspects
Bhairavi K.
Chavhan1 and A. Y. Sahare
Efficacy of bio-inoculant Trichoderma asperellum against Fusarium wilt
of tomato incited by Fusarium solani
C. Kannan,
A.Vanitha, A. Praveen and V. Jaiganesh
Assessment of Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Divalent Metal Complex of
Coumarin in Rat Models
Neelakanth M.
Jeedi1, Amough Kulkarni, Pradeepkumar M. Ronad, Shrishail K. Nimbal1,
Santosh B. Patil
37. An
Analysis of Subclinical Peripheral Nerve Changes with Nerve Conduction
Velocity and 60- Second Diabetic Foot Screen Scale in Type-II Diabetics
Mellitus and Normal healthy Subject - A Observational Study
Bhakti Desai,
Ashish Kakkad
Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of The Bactericidal Power Of
Ferrate VI (K2feo4): Application in Water Treatment
Abdellatif El
Maghraoui, Abdelaziz Zerouale, Mustapha Ijjaali
Development and Validation of Rp-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation
of Calcium Dobesilte in Tablet Dosage Form
Hemant Chikhale,
Chaitanya Patki, Laxmikant Borse
Evaluation of Capsule-Fillable Liquids with Solubilizers: Gelucire,
Cremophore, and PVP K-30 - A Physicochemical Study
Aamer Quazi1, Razvi
Fayyaz Hafiz, Rohit Patil, Dinesh Nalage, Shaikh Mohammad Azhar Husain
Advancement and Assessment of methanolic extract of Rubia cordifolia for
Inflammatory Disorders
M.P.Pawar, Ruchi
Pharmaceutical and Analytical Study of Saptasaram Ghana Vati
Nidhi Sharma, Rita
Adaptogenic Activity of D-Pinitol against Diverse Stressors Induced in
Swiss Albino Mice
Sudha M, Annapoorna
D, Athira M Nair, Harshavardhini R, Janani Priya C, Nishanth S
Genoprotective Nature of Isolated D-Pinitol from Glycine Max L Merr.
Plants Against Doxorubicin-Induced Genotoxicity Evaluated by In Vivo
Sperm Shape Abnormality Assay
Sudha M
Environmental Management of Industrial Hazardous Wastes in North-East
Arnab Mandal, M.K.
Choudhury, Rakesh Basumatary, Ananda K. Ngangom, Manimita Das
Impact of Temperature Variation & Temperature Duration on Soil Erosion
Using Erosion Simulator
Narendra Kumar
Maurya, Prakash Singh Tanwar, Vishal Kumar
Prevalence of Kinesiophobia in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis and
Its Correlation with Risk of Fall
Mayura P. Deshmukh,
Divya M. Gohil, Nikki Mathew, Geetali Narvekar, Sakshi Pacharne, Gaurang
Baxi , Tushar J. Palekar
Spatial Distribution of Arsenic and Cadmium in Industrial Waste Water of
Bikaner City (Rajasthan) India
Divyaman Singh
Rathore, Leela Kaur, Rajaram Choyal
Bioremediation of Acetaminophen and Hydroxychloroquine by biosurfactant
producing strain Bacillus velezensis
Waghmode Meghmala
Sheshrao and Patil Neha Nitin
Impact of Intensity and Volume of Plyometric Training on Physical
Performance Parameters in Athletes: A Systematic Review and
Shweta Panchal,
Pooja Bhati, Pooja Anand, Sajjan Pal
Probiotic Proceedings of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on Individual
Vigor Remuneration: Contemporary Standing
Mithilesh Jaiswal,
Kajol Batta, Juhi Sharma, Shyamji Shukla and Rita Sharma
52. A
Brief Review on The Therapeutic Uses of Insulin Plant, Costus igneus
M. S. Wagh and A.
J. Dhembare
53. A
Review on Pharmacological Aspects of Phlorotannins derived from Brown
Smriti Rakesh,
Abhismita Roy, Gangotri Mourey
54. Role
of Remote Sensing and GIS in mitigating Particulate Matters that
intensify Air pollution in India: A Review
Manisha Tikader,
Debaaditya Mukhopadhyay and Md. Zoheb Islam
Cultivating The Past: A Historical Exploration of India’s Agricultural
Vaibhav Dikshit and
Mukesh Pal
Nanoparticle Pollution: Emerging Challenges and Impacts
Priya Paul,
Abhijeeta Nandha
Treatise on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Divesh Pandey,
Khushboo Gupta, Saurabh Sharma, Pranjul Shrivastava
Peri-implantitis: A new dimensional Perspective
Sangram Kumar
Panda, Shakti Rath
Effects of Climate Change on Energy Systems in Global and Regional
Abhismita Roy,
Anoushka Roy
60. A
Review: Impact of Heatwave on Agriculture
Priya Paul,
Abhijeeta Nandha
Alzheimer's disease: A Systematic Review
Madhuri, Mukul
Mudgal, Alisha Wadwa, Pulkit Ramavat & Ashok Kumar Shah
Unveiling the Role of GSK-3β as a Prominent Mediator of
Neuroinflammation in Parkinson's Disease
Kartik Bhad,
Praveen Sharma, Sonali Sonawane, Ajay Shelke, Ritesh Jain, Ajay Bhagwat,
Rohit Doke
Recent Advances of Fungal Sorbents in Environmental Sustainability and
Ecotoxicological Monitoring
Rajalakshmi K S, Rajesh Rajendran, Kuppusamy Alagesan Paari
64. Chia
Seeds (Salvia hispanica): Health Promoting Properties and Therapeutic
Applications – A Review
Sukhraj Punar,
Deepmala Verma, Sapna Meena, Deepasha Sahu, Raaz K Maheshwari
A Review on Standard Operating Procedures
and Calibration of Analytical Instruments
N,Sakthi P,Kaviya K,Karthik R, Parameshwari B, Harini C, Keerthivasan
P, Sridhar S, M.Surendra Kumar.
Bioaccumulation of Heavy metals and
chemical Toxicants from 0.0industries, a serious threat to environment
and human
Preeti Adatiya
67. Spinal Muscular Atrophy
T. Rama Rao, R. Srujana, J. Namratha, Rabia Basri
Formulation and In Vitro- In Vivo Evaluation of Controlled Release
Bilayer Tablets Containing Combination of Antihypertensive Drugs
Indurkhya Arpna, Khan
Ahmed Masheer
A Case Report on the Amino Acid Infusion in Pregnancy complicated by
Garbhodakavikriti (Oligohydramnios): BOON OR NOT?
Nidhi Sharma , Rita Makim